eSolutions offers Class 3 Digital Signature certificate for Individual and organizations. Class 3 DSC can be use for E-tendering, ICEGATE, GST, Income Tax, Company Registration, Traces, GST, IEC and many more.
Class three digital signature
Class 3 Digital signature Price
The price of a Class 3 digital signature (DSC) starts with ₹899 for two years and ₹2379 for three years. The cost of renewal for a Class 3 DSC is ₹699 for two years, and ₹2079 for three years.
A Class 3 digital signature certificate (DSC) is the highest level of DSC and is issued to individuals and organizations only when they are physically present before the Certifying Authority.Class 3 DSCs are the most secure type of DSCs. In India, the usage of Class 1 and Class 2 DSCs is discontinued.Class 3 DSC is now mandated to be used for all types of transactions in India.
How to get Class 3 DSC
Below are the steps for get class 3 DSC:
- Select Validity period, user type and usb token.
- Make payment online.
- Upload documents on thank you page.
- Complete mobile and video verifications
- Your DSC will be ready within 10 to 20 minutes.
Class 3 DSC is the highest level and most secure certificate in India.It is mandated for all types of transactions in India. Company incorporation, Obtaining DIN, ROC compliances, Income tax returns, GST returns, IEC registration, EPF registration, E-tendering.
Class 3 digital signature for e tendering
A Class 3 Digital signature is required for e-tendering.It is the highest level of DSC and is issued by a licensed Certifying Authority (CA).
Here are the steps for get class 3 DSC for e tendering:
- Select right product, validity
- Make payment online
- Upload documents after payment
- Complete mobile and video verifications
- Your DSC will be ready within 10 to 20 minutes.
Class 3 Digital Signature : Step-by-Step Guide for Applying
1. USB Token
2. Free Delivery Within India.
3. Including 18% GST.