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What is DGFT Digital Signature ( DSC )?

DGFT Digital Signature Certificate is mainly used for DGFT Website for various licenses and filing of returns. Be it branch addition, IEC renewal, license application, DGFT IEC based DSC is required. We provide eMudhra DGFT Digital Signature ( DSC ) at lowest prices in Delhi and PAN India. DGFT Digital Signature Certificate is basically a Class 2 / Class 3 Digital Signature specially for EXIM Organizations who are having Import Export Code(IEC) in India. DGFT Digital Signature can ONLY be Issued to Organization with ONLY Signing Certificate. IEC Code is mandatory to obtain a DGFT Digital Signature Certificate.


Who can buy DGFT Digital Signature ?

Any Organization having a valid IEC Code can buy DGFT DSC. DGFT DSC can be issued to proprietor, partnership, private limited, LLP, limited companies. DGFT DSC can be obtained by any authorised person on behalf of his organization by submitting required documents and verification. Organization must have IEC Code provided by DGFT Department and must have IEC Certificate.


Why DGFT Department Requires Digital Signature ?

Export and Import Organizations (EXIM organizations) can apply for licenses online which means that they can also file accompanying documents electronically on the DGFT website ( ). Since a digital signature certificate ensures authenticity and integrity of the document, DGFT has mandated use of IEC Based Digital Signature Certificates with with all electronic documents uploaded on the DGFT site. This means that every EXIM Organisation needs to necessarily have a Digital Signature Certificate for transactions related to the DGFT website. On validating the identity of the sender, authenticity of the documents and validity of the DSC, DGFT then processes the documents for licence issuance.


What are the documents required for DGFT DSC ? 

Click here to check documents requirement list for DGFT DSC.

How to Register DSC on DGFT Website ?

Click here to Watch YouTube Video

Click here read PDF File


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DGFT Digital Signature Certificate

PriceFrom ₹2,249.00
Sales Tax Included
  • 1. Make online payment with above option.
    2. We will contact you, collect documents & start processing your DSC.
    3. After neccessary verification, Your DSC will be ready.

  • Available Validity: 2 Years

    Storage Hardware: FIPS Certified USB Tokens

    Security Bit : 2048 Bit

    Type of User : Organization User

    Type of Certificate : Signing Certificate

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