Digital Signature Certificate for Income Tax Return eFiling
Class 3 Digital Signature Certificate for Income Tax Return eFiling
What is Income Tax Return eFiling ?
Income Tax Return is the form in which assesses files information about his/her Income and tax thereon to Income Tax Department. Various forms are ITR 1, ITR 2, ITR 3, ITR 4, ITR 5, ITR 6 and ITR 7. When you file a belated return, you are not allowed to carry forward certain losses.
Why Digital Signature is required for Income Tax Return eFiling ?
e-Filing users who have opted for this facility require Digital Signature Certificate to sign Income Tax Returns / Statutory Forms or to verify response against notices issued by Income Tax Department and refund reissue request. To sign or verify any document the user should have first registered their DSC with e-Filing system.
Is DSC mandatory for certain services / users ?
DSC is mandatory for some services and (or ) user categories such as e-Verification of returns filed by companies and political parties as well as other persons whose accounts are required to be audited under Section 44AB of the Income Tax Act. In other cases, it is optional.
Whose DSC is required to be used for e-Filing ITRs of Company / Firm / HUF ?
All categories except Individuals require the DSC of the Principal Contact (Karta in case of HUF) for e-Filing ITRs.
Which Type of Digital Signature is required for Income Tax Return eFiling ?
As per Income Tax department, Class 2 or Class 3 Digital Signature is required with PAN number of Individual Person integrated in DSC. Class 2 DSC is discontinued from Jan 2021, so users need to buy Class 3 Digital Signature. We provide eMudhra Class 3 Digital Signature at best prices.
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